Firewatch Parallax Effect

This template is a recreation of the multi-layered Parallax Effect found on the Firewatch game's main website. The parallax effect uses up to nine layers of images. Each image scrolls at a different speed giving the viewer a sense of depth as they scroll through the page.

You can even add more layers if desired, but I felt like the 9 layers added plenty of depth to the scene. You can even take away layers for a simpler look.

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  • Asian Man

    I've never seen so many layers before! Wow!

  • Bearded Man

    All these parallax layers has given me feels like never before.

  • Cute Doge

    Much layer, many design, so wow!

Fade In Animations

Animations help catch the eyes of users. The pulsing animation of the Navigation button signifies that it is clickable.


By using Modernizr the site will check the different features that are available on the user's browser. Easy to update, easy to maintain.

Smooth Scroller

This template uses the Smooth Scroll JQuery add-on. Go ahead, give us a high five! It'll take you back to the top of the site in the smoothest style ever! The Smooth Scroll gives the Parallax Effect an even better feel.


By using the Waypoints JQuery library, the animations don't load until they are in view. This further captures the eye of the user.

  • Extra Startup Juice

    Added Feature

    So Thirsty

    Extra nice UI comes with the flatness

    So flat you'll want to give it some shadows

    Minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

  • Extra Startup Juice

    Added Feature

    So Thirsty

    Extra nice UI comes with the app

    So flat you'll want to give it some shadows

    Minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.